Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How Bad Sitting Posture Affects Your Health

Much has been said about the negative effects of prolonged sitting to our health. But how exactly does bad sitting posture wreak havoc to our physiological health? You would be surprised how many health problems prolonged bad sitting posture can inflict.

1. You can suffer from pelvic pain.

Many people experience pelvic floor problems. From dealing with urinary incontinence, painful intercourse to constipation, these are all rooted to having pelvic floor issues.

2. Recurring headaches can happen.

Did you know that bad sitting posture can cause a kind of headache called cervicogenic headache? This is triggered when your neck posture isn’t good. The pain from the neck can radiate to the head.

3. Sleep problems can occur.

The more strain your body experiences, the less likely you will have restorative and deep sleep, according to experts. The pain from stress and physical strain may also lead to difficulty in finding a good sleeping position.

4. You can suffer from pain in the lower extremities.

Many people who have bad sleeping position tend to suffer from ankle, knee or hip pain. Because you are not getting good circulation in this part of your body, you can become prone to pain.

Getting Physiotherapy in Surrey regularly is one way of fighting these side effects of prolonged sitting and bad siting posture. Clinics experienced in physiotherapy in Surrey such as PainPro can help you in doing exercises that can correct the side effects.

Also make sure your work station is ergonomic in order to avoid putting strain to the body. Getting enough rest when doing repetitive work is also important.

To know more about Massage therapy in Burnaby please visit our website: painproclinics.com

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