Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Top Physiotherapy Myths Debunked

Physiotherapy in Surrey, BC has become both common and essential in various fields of healthcare. And this has given rise to various misconceptions surrounding this impressive treatment procedure.

In this blog, we will try to debunk a few myths to help you make an informed decision.

1- Physiotherapy is limited to treating muscle issues

From preventing pain and injury to promoting mobility, wellness and health, physiotherapy Surrey can do it all. It can even assist with rehab for cardiac arrest, stroke and many other health concerns.

2- Physiotherapy is used only for post-injury services

Physiotherapy can prove useful for pre-surgeries and injuries, too. The physiotherapist can determine areas that are prone to risk and prescribe a custom-treatment program to strengthen the areas. Pre-surgery treatment can lower the pain during surgeries.

3- Physiotherapy is just a modernized word for massage therapies

Both massage therapy and physiotherapy and two different things. The former helps in body relaxation while the latter cures pain and disabilities. Also, physiotherapy in Surrey is associated with taking comprehensive examination and diagnosis.

4- Physiotherapy sessions are longer

The prognosis of physiotherapy totally depends upon the body part that is being treated and for what reason. For instance, a fracture is bound to take 6 to 8 weeks to heal, meaning rehab will only commence after that. In contrast, simple muscle pain will only require a few weeks of physiotherapy sessions.

Signing off

With the facts in front of you, we are sure you are ready to make the right decision.

Connect with Pain Pro Clinics to benefit from reliable services of physiotherapy in Surrey.

For more details about Physio in Vancouver, bc please visit our website:

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