Tuesday, September 28, 2021

3 Reasons Why Your Musculoskeletal Injury Is Not Healing Fast

Sprains typically take 3-4 weeks to heal. If the injury goes deeper into the ligaments, it can take as long as 6 months or more for your healing process to complete. Even then, that injured body part might not go back to the way it was.

But if you think that it’s taking longer for your injury to heal, here are the possible reasons why:

  1. You are not resting enough

Rest is crucial for recovery when you have a musculoskeletal injury. If you sprain your foot, you need to get off that foot for a few days. Resting it during those first few days helps prevent more injuries from occurring. If you are not giving your body enough time to rest, don’t be surprised if your injury is not healing properly.

  1. You are sedentary

Once the swelling is gone, you should try doing exercises that can help speed up your recovery. Physiotherapy in Surrey can help. With the help of clinics experienced in physiotherapy in Surrey such as PainPro, you will be able to follow exercises that are tailored for your needs. These exercises are designed for optimal healing. They can also help in preventing re-injuries in the future.

  1. There is still inflammation in your body

You can minimize inflammation by preventing foods that can cause inflammation such as processed food. Stick to a whole food diet and avoid anything loaded with too much sugar and carbs.

You should also follow your doctor’s orders. Elevating the affected area helps in mitigating swelling and pain. Make sure you take the medications prescribed by your doctor if there are any.

For more details about Massage Therapy in Burnaby BC please visit our website: painproclinics.com


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