Friday, May 24, 2019

3 Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

Running injuries can happen when you overexert yourself or when your body is not fully prepared for such a strenuous task. You can do the following tips if you want to sidestep the usual injuries that happen when you run: 

1. Be more flexible. 

Flexibility still plays a major role when it comes to running. You would want to make sure that your calves and the rest of your lower extremities are prepared for running activities. You can try various flexibility exercises through physiotherapy in downtown Vancouver in order to prepare your body for running. 

2. Warm up first before running and cool down after. 

Think of your muscles as the engine of your car. It needs to be warmed up in order for it to run fluidly. The same is true when running. You need to warm up those muscles and joints in order for them to become more limber.

3. Start with a low mileage first. 

If you are coming from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one, give yourself time to strengthen first before tackling more difficult tasks. With running, start with a low mileage that is more achievable with your current physical health.

If you experience running injuries, make sure you get physiotherapy in downtown Vancouver. With the help of PainPro, you can rehabilitate the injury and prevent it from worsening or coming back. Physiotherapy also helps in preparing your body for more rigorous workout. It helps you address existing physical concerns, so you can improve your strength, flexibility, balance and stamina to become a better runner.

For more details about physiotherapy in Vancouver please visit our website:


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